Remember Brown Trout and Whitefish are beginning to spawn; play your fish quickly, if you must snap a picture do so quickly and take off your gloves before handling. Pay attention to where you’re wading, avoid lighter colored pea gravel and if you see Fish spawning let them do so in peace. We all must take care of our precious resource; little acts of preparedness and consciousness go a long way to keeping our beautiful River and Trout protected for generations to come.

Sunny days with cool nights have been a prevailing theme this week as we move into our fall season. We are in the best time of Fall and if you’re on a Summer schedule still you may be in for some chilly mornings and a long wait beating the water until the catching warms up! This time of the year Fish start to move into their Winter holes where food is prevalent. Shallow riffles, behind the rocks & deep River bend holes are places to target your energy.

Early AM Streamer fishing has been hot or cold on a day-to-day basis usually turning abruptly off mid-morning. BWO’s and Midges have been coming off mid-morning into the early afternoon, keep your eyes peeled for risers and adjust accordingly. Fishing these little Dries can be challenging visually, changing your Fly routinely can help also using a larger front Fly (we prefer a #18 Delektable Lil’ Chubby or an October Caddis). Nymphing has been the most productive throughout the day. Fishing tandem small Nymphs in shallower water and a Stonefly with a tungsten jig Nymph below in deeper holes has been the ticket.

Finding Fish can be challenging this time of the year, moving quickly (don’t waste time on marginal water), working holes (they may not take the Fly on the first, second or third look but that seventh cast…Fish On!) and take a break, appreciate the serenity and glory of nature around you on the Upper Madison River in the Fall!

Nymphs: Delektable Mega Prince STD FB #8-#10; BH Mo River PT #18-#20; Zebra Midge Red, Black #18-#20; Delektable Twinkle Red, Black or Olive #18-#20; Delektable JH Tungsten Spanker Holo Red, Holo Olive, Holo Silver, Holo Black, or PT #14-#18; Pat’s Rubberlegs Black or Black/Brown #8-#10; Delektable FB Sparkle Kaboom Stone #8-#10; Geppert’s Crystal Dip Red or Black #18; Copper John Red #16-#18; Standard Prince Nymph #14-#16; Delektable Prince Brandon #14-#16; Geppert’s Master Emerger #18; Wire Worm Red or Orange/Red #6-#8.

Dries: BWO Para Sipper #18-#22; Sparkle Dun BWO #20; Delektable Curved Hook Ranch BWO #18; Snowshoe Emerger BWO #20; Hi Vis BWO Spinner #20; Delektable Teaser BWO or Adams #18-#20; Black Sipper Midge #18-#20; Hi Vis Griffiths Gnat #18-#20; Para Adams #18-#20; Carlson’s Purple Craze #18-#20; Delektable Lil’ Chubby Royal or Goldrush #18-#14; Parachute Madam X Orange #10.
Streamers: Delektable Single Screamer White/Olive, Yellow, Black, Spawning or Black/Olive #6; Galloup’s Sex Dungeon Olive/Black Barred #6; Sculpzilla Natural or Olive #4-#8; Zonker Copper/Natural, Olive or Pearl #4-#6; McCune’s Sculpin Olive #4-#8; Dali Llama Olive/White #6.