Mother’s day Caddis, Mother’s day Caddis, Mother’s day Caddis, Mother’s day Caddis Mother’s day Caddis, Mother’s day Caddis, Mother’s day Caddis, Mother’s day Caddis Mother’s day Caddis, Mother’s day Caddis, Mother’s day Caddis, Mother’s day Caddis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <– Each Mother’s days Caddis has 3 exclamation points to express the severity of how hard the fish ate it today.
To experience this on any river in the west is unbelievable! When the right conditions come together, (overcast, water clarity and warming of the water temps) it is the perfect storm for the dry or die guy. This happened to Tim and Dan. Rainbows, browns, cutthroat and cut/browns between 12 and 17 inches were caught non-stop from Jerry Creek to Divide Bridge.
Days like this are never forgotten! The three day period of the mother’s day caddis is hard to target, but unbelievable when the perfect storm happens. The bugs we used were the Delektable Sparkle Bug size 14 and 16 in the tan or gray, and the Delektable Halo size 14-16 also in the tan or gray. We tried other patterns, but these were the ones that the fish destroyed. Get out there and fish!!! -Big Dan