The only constant in this universe is change and the change has been epic the last two weeks on the Wild Upper Madison River. Hot days muddying up the water (on and off runoff), Snowstorms reminding us that Winter is always looming and crazy Streamer days; we have had a true Montana Spring.

Stream flows have fluctuated these 2 weeks from 1,370cfs @ Kirby and 2,140cfs @ Cameron the beginning of the week, topping to 1,940cfs @ Kirby and 3,530cfs @ Cameron and dropping gradually to the end of weeks to 1,370cfs @ Kirby and 2,020cfs @ Cameron. Throughout the runoff this year fishing was hot and cold from section to section on the River. The wade section of the River fished great throughout this year with Stoneflies and various small Nymphs because the fish were active and hungry.

Nymphing and Streamers have been the game as we wait for the hatches to begin. The Trout this year are healthier and bigger than we have seen in several years. The mild Winter has made a profound impact on our fishery, and we all are excited for the Dry Fly swarm to begin!! Look for Salmon Flies, Caddis and PMD’s this coming week with the warm Weather predicted for the future. Here at Beartooth Flyfishing we are fully stocked, free coffee is always available, and the retail adventure is the absolute best!

Nymphs: Delektable Sparkle FB Kaboom Stone #6-#10; Pat’s Rubberlegs Black, Black/Brown #6-#10; Delektable Prince Brandon #8-#16; Psycho Prince Purple or Yellow #16-#14; Delektable Lil’ Spanker Silver or Gold #14-#16; Delektable Jig Hook GTBH Hammerhead Hare’s Ear #14-#18; Delektable Mega Prince Std or Std FB #10-#8; Wire Worm Red/Orange, Wine/Red or Orange #10-#4; Delektable Mr. Rubberlegs Goldenstone #8-#10; Geppert’s Skinny Dip Black #14-#16; Delektable JH Tungsten Spanker Holo Red, Holo Orange, or PT #14-#18.

Streamers: Delektable SS Jointed Screamer Olive/White, Black/Olive, Yellow, Olive/Yellow #6; Zonker Dark Olive or Natural #6; Shelia Sculpin #4; Sculpzilla Olive/White #8; Jr’s Conehead Streamer #6; McCune’s Sculpin Olive #8; Mini-Loop Olive #6; Fish Whacker Mini Olive #6; Delektable Screamer Single Olive/White or Black/Olive Gold #6; Coffey’s CH Sparkle Minnow Sculpin or Smoke #6; Galloup’s Silky Kitty Tan, White or Black #6; Galloup’s Sex Dungeon Mini or Regular Olive/Black, Purple/Black or White #6-#8.