It is Game On here on the Upper Madison River! The water has dropped and cleared, and the Big Bugs are here!! Most sightings of the infamous Salmon Fly this week have been from Valley Garden to Varney Bridge, however Caddis, PMD’s, Yellow Sallies & Goldenstones have been making appearances here and there throughout the whole Upper River.
Fishing this week has been productive on Nymphs, still a strong Streamer bite and of course the Dries (because why not?)! Stream flows this week started at 1,260cfs @ Kirby and 2,040cfs @ Cameron, dropping mid-week and leveling out to 2,040cfs @ Kirby and 1,650cfs @ Cameron by the end of the week. Clear shining days, albeit the start of the week with a June Snowstorm! Our hardy Fisherman braved the Storm and were rewarded with Big Fish while getting to wear winter garments and hand warmers in June!
These next couple weeks are supposed to be beautiful. We may see some afternoon thunderstorms but just wait an hour the Weather will change! Best to load up on those Salmon Flies, Caddis, Goldenstones, PMD’s & lovely Yellow Sallies! We are open here at Beartooth Flyfishing Everyday 7:30am to 5:30pm! We would Love to see you here during this special time of year! We are reviewing the people action and changing our schedule based upon demand.
Dries: Delektable Secret Stone Royal, UV Salmonfly, or UV Orange #8-#10; Delektable Mega Chubbyness Royal #8-#12; Delektable Mega2Tone Chubbyness UV Goldenstone, UV Goldrush, UV Salmonfly or Royal #8-#12; Juicy Stone Salmonfly #6; Morrish Fluttering Stone Salmon Fly #6; Super Chernobyl Brown #12; Dornan’s Water Walker Peanut #10-#12; Delektable Twisted Baby Yellow with Red Butt #12-#14; Delektable Halo Peacock, Mo River, Tan or Royal #14-#16; Cornfed CDC Caddis Olive or Tan #16; Beck’s Polyfluff Caddis Tan #16; Etha Wing Caddis Olive #16; Delektable Twisted Baby Brown #12-#16; Delektable CDC Elk Hair Caddis Tan or Olive #14-#16; Delektable Chubbyness Royal, Olive Brown or UV Goldrush #12-#16; Parachute Adams #14-#16; Purple Haze Parachute #14-#18.
Nymphs: Geppert’s Skinny Dip Black, Brown or Pearl #14-#16; Geppert’s Crystal Dip Crystal or Black #16; Delektable Hammerhead GTBH Olive, Hare’s Ear or Prince #16-#14; Lightning Bug Silver or Gold #14-#16; Delektable FB Sparkle or Sparkle Kaboom Stone #10-#6; Pat’s Rubberlegs Orange/Brown, Black, Black/Brown #10-#4; Shop Vac Olive or Brown #16; Delektable Mega Prince STD #6-#8; Guide’s Choice Hare’s Ear #16-#14; Psycho Prince Green or Purple #16-#14; Delektable Jig Hook Tungsten Spanker PT, Holo Red, Holo Gold or Holo Olive #16-#14; Delektable Lil’ Spanker Blue or PT #16-#14; JH Napoleon #18-#16; Formerly Known as Prince #16-#12; Delektable Prince Brandon #16-#10; Delektable TGBH Sure Strike Sally or Yellow Peacock #16-#14; Jig Baby Sally #12-#14.
Streamers: Streamers: Delektable SS Jointed Screamer Olive/White, Black/Olive, Yellow, Olive/Yellow #6; Zonker Dark Olive or Natural #6; Shelia Sculpin #4; Sculpzilla Olive/White #8; Jr’s Conehead Streamer #6; McCune’s Sculpin Olive #8-#4; Mini-Loop Olive #6; Fish Whacker Mini Olive #6; Delektable Screamer Single Olive/White or Black/Olive Gold #6; Coffey’s CH Sparkle Minnow Sculpin, JJ or Smoke #6; Galloup’s Silky Kitty Tan, White or Black #6; Galloup’s Sex Dungeon Mini or Regular Olive/Black, Purple/Black or White #6-#8; Dali Llama Olive/White or Black/Olive #4; Trevor’s Sculpin Olive or Black #4.