My last day of Flyfishing for 2023. I jumped in the Durango and drove to the Madison River behind our Lodge. Fished on of my favorite little pools for about an hour or less. A pair of Bald Eagles watched me catch the entire time. 13 Trout later, a mix of Brown & Rainbow Trout, I was all done. It took me longer to get my gear together at home than it did to go and fish! The flies of the day were Delektable Flashback Hurless Stone #8, Delektable Kaboom Stone #8 and one of my New Delektable JH Energizer Hare’s Ears #16 (which will be in the shop this Summer)! As always the pictures tell the rest of the story!
This year most of the Delektable Family and extended family (Dan, Allie, DJ and our good brother Jeff Willson) experienced an epic fall Steelhead run on the famous Rogue River in Southern Oregon. What an incredible trip and while the photos tell the best story, below are some Rogue River musings from the infamous Steelhead Fisher Folks.
From DJ:
I had the privilege of accompanying my love, Allie (affectionately known as the Lil Spanker) and her father, Big Dan (affectionately known as the Big Spanker) on an adventure to Southern Oregon; specifically Shady Cove, for some BIG Game Steelhead fishing on the Rogue River. The experience was one I will never forget, and one that I hope to add to again this time next year.
The Rogue is a magical and beautiful place. And after many many casts on the third day of pounding the water, I finally felt the power and exhilaration of landing one of the prized ocean run Steelhead on a Beartooth 9ft, 7WT Kingslayer! The Delektable Lime Juice and Orange Juice were effective bugs and we fished them regularly the first leg of the trip. On the second leg the Delektable JH Spanker PT, the new Delektable Purple Kaboom Stone and the Delektable Hammerhead PT were game changers. Who knew Steelhead ate Trout flies? Dan of course. The Dry Dropper rig (fishing a Delektable Chubby with two nymphs below) for shallow stretches was deadly.
None of it would have been possible without the assistance of the Fishin’ Hole Fly Shop crew and their amazing breakfasts, the lodging and hospitality of my new friend Jeff Willson (we share the same Birthday, wow), his Rhodesian Ridgeback hounds Maximas Super and Samuel and his wonderful woman Jules and her prepacked meals. Last but not least, Dan the Man, for his rowing, advice, fishing prowess, boundless patience and tenacity in helping me be indoctrinated into the group of successful Steelhead Fly Fisherman.
From Dan:
3 Weeks of rowing, casting, catching, driving and working out at the gym in Southern Oregon on the Rogue River = Total Soul Food. Forever memories made of family, friends, leaves turning colors and the warmth of Oregon in the fall. I’ll let the pictures tell the rest of the story.
From Allie:
How lucky I am to be a part of this big fishing family that takes myself and loved ones to the most incredible places! The Rogue River is my top Happy place. The warm Southern Oregon Fall, spending time with my two favorite guys, wait 3 Jeff Wilson too. And taking in the amazing journey of these epic trout from river to ocean to river again. Steelhead Camp has my most ultimate exaltation and the people who make it possible to keep this glorious fishery alive have my utter most thanks. Soul food, baby, soul food.
Remember Brown Trout and Whitefish are beginning to spawn; play your fish quickly, if you must snap a picture do so quickly and take off your gloves before handling. Pay attention to where you’re wading, avoid lighter colored pea gravel and if you see fish spawning let them do so in peace. We all must take care of our precious resource; little acts of preparedness and consciousness go a long way to keeping our beautiful river and trout protected for generations to come.
Legends of the Fall are being created this Mid-October! We may have seen the last of the sweet days of Fall this week. Prior to our first Valley Snow the big front brought an uptick in catching and a huge drop off following. Seems that every creature of the Madison Valley has started to hibernate for the Winter. Those cold mornings sure make it harder to get out of bed but no worries, the Fish feel the same way!
Streamflows are at their Winter set point, Kirby at 886cfs and Cameron at 1,066cfs. We should see little fluctuations in flows from this point until Spring. BWO’s and Midges are still popping but look for them in the heat of the day. Nymphing has still been very productive and Stoneflies with a tungsten bead trailer have been working consistently. Trout are lethargic and slower moving this time of the year and will be going into the Winter months. Waking up, enjoying a warm brew (maybe pack some with you too) and taking your time before getting on the Water (fishing during the heat of the day in a 2-3 hour window) will be your best success as you and the Trout are sufficiently warmed up for the day and ready to play!
At Beartooth Flyfishing we have had a fantastic season here on the Upper Madison River! We are so grateful and thankful for all our Customers, Guides and Dear Friends that keep our business alive and thriving. We stay open during the entire Winter however our hours have changed to Tuesday through Saturday 9am to 5pm, closed Sunday and Monday. We will be having some awesome Markdowns and Sales coming in November so come on by, get the best free coffee on the river and check out the shop without the crazy crowds of the Summer. Who knows what treasure you could find!
Nymphs: Delektable Guide Stone Olive/Brown, Black, or Black/Brown #8-#10; Delektable FB Sparkle Kaboom Stone #8-#10; Delektable Mega Prince STD FB #8-#10; Standard Flashback PT #16-#18; Geppert’s Master Emerger #18; Delektable Lil’ Spanker Red, Silver, Blue or PT #16-#18; JH Zebra Midge Red or Black #18-#20; Copper John Red #16-#18; Splitback BWO #18-#20; Delektable Prince Brandon #14-#16; Psycho Prince Purple or Yellow #16-#18; Delektable Twinkle Red, Black or Olive #18-#20; Wire Worm Red #6-#8; Delektable JH Hammerhead GTBH Prince or Hare’s Ear #16-#18.
Dries: BWO Para Sipper #18-#22; Sparkle Dun BWO #20; Delektable Curved Hook Ranch BWO #18; Snowshoe Emerger BWO #20; Hi Vis BWO Spinner #20; Delektable Teaser BWO or Adams #18-#20; Black Sipper Midge #18-#20; Hi Vis Griffiths Gnat #18-#20; Para Adams #18-#20; Carlson’s Purple Craze #18-#20; Delektable Lil’ Chubby Royal or Goldrush #14-#18; Parachute Madam X Orange #10.
Streamers: Delektable Single Screamer White/Olive, Yellow, Black, Spawning, or Black/Olive #6; Galloup’s Sex Dungeon Olive/Black Barred #6; Sculpzilla Natural or Olive #4-#8; Zonker Copper/Natural, Olive or Pearl #4-#6; McCune’s Sculpin Olive #4-#8; Dali Llama Olive/White or Olive/Black #6; Delektable SS Jointed or Double Screamer Black/Olive, White/Olive, White or Spawning; JR’s Conehead Olive #6; Coffey’s CH Sparkle Minnow Sculpin or JJ #6; Trevor’s Sculpin Olive #4.
Remember Brown Trout and Whitefish are beginning to spawn; play your fish quickly, if you must snap a picture do so quickly and take off your gloves before handling. Pay attention to where you’re wading, avoid lighter colored pea gravel and if you see Fish spawning let them do so in peace. We all must take care of our precious resource; little acts of preparedness and consciousness go a long way to keeping our beautiful River and Trout protected for generations to come.
Sunny days with cool nights have been a prevailing theme this week as we move into our fall season. We are in the best time of Fall and if you’re on a Summer schedule still you may be in for some chilly mornings and a long wait beating the water until the catching warms up! This time of the year Fish start to move into their Winter holes where food is prevalent. Shallow riffles, behind the rocks & deep River bend holes are places to target your energy.
Early AM Streamer fishing has been hot or cold on a day-to-day basis usually turning abruptly off mid-morning. BWO’s and Midges have been coming off mid-morning into the early afternoon, keep your eyes peeled for risers and adjust accordingly. Fishing these little Dries can be challenging visually, changing your Fly routinely can help also using a larger front Fly (we prefer a #18 Delektable Lil’ Chubby or an October Caddis). Nymphing has been the most productive throughout the day. Fishing tandem small Nymphs in shallower water and a Stonefly with a tungsten jig Nymph below in deeper holes has been the ticket.
Finding Fish can be challenging this time of the year, moving quickly (don’t waste time on marginal water), working holes (they may not take the Fly on the first, second or third look but that seventh cast…Fish On!) and take a break, appreciate the serenity and glory of nature around you on the Upper Madison River in the Fall!
Nymphs: Delektable Mega Prince STD FB #8-#10; BH Mo River PT #18-#20; Zebra Midge Red, Black #18-#20; Delektable Twinkle Red, Black or Olive #18-#20; Delektable JH Tungsten Spanker Holo Red, Holo Olive, Holo Silver, Holo Black, or PT #14-#18; Pat’s Rubberlegs Black or Black/Brown #8-#10; Delektable FB Sparkle Kaboom Stone #8-#10; Geppert’s Crystal Dip Red or Black #18; Copper John Red #16-#18; Standard Prince Nymph #14-#16; Delektable Prince Brandon #14-#16; Geppert’s Master Emerger #18; Wire Worm Red or Orange/Red #6-#8.
Dries: BWO Para Sipper #18-#22; Sparkle Dun BWO #20; Delektable Curved Hook Ranch BWO #18; Snowshoe Emerger BWO #20; Hi Vis BWO Spinner #20; Delektable Teaser BWO or Adams #18-#20; Black Sipper Midge #18-#20; Hi Vis Griffiths Gnat #18-#20; Para Adams #18-#20; Carlson’s Purple Craze #18-#20; Delektable Lil’ Chubby Royal or Goldrush #18-#14; Parachute Madam X Orange #10.
Streamers: Delektable Single Screamer White/Olive, Yellow, Black, Spawning or Black/Olive #6; Galloup’s Sex Dungeon Olive/Black Barred #6; Sculpzilla Natural or Olive #4-#8; Zonker Copper/Natural, Olive or Pearl #4-#6; McCune’s Sculpin Olive #4-#8; Dali Llama Olive/White #6.
Black Cats, Pumpkins, and the Fall Harvest is coming… but it’s not quite here just yet! Last week we saw what probably was the final breath of summer. While we have all been geared up to fish Streamers, the Dries have been quite effective during the day and into the evening. With mixed results with Streamers, Nymphing has been the most consistent way to land some Trout out there.
The Streamflows dropped this week to accommodate the Brown Trout spawn and to establish the Winter flows. Once established we should see flows stay consistent throughout the rest of the Fall/Winter season. Flows started this week at 1,140cfs@Kirby and 1,230cfs@Cameron at the beginning of the week and dropping mid-week to 886@Kirby and 1,060cfs@Cameron.
This week we saw bright sunny days with warmer temperatures. With the drop in Streamflows, fishing could be challenging depending on what section you were fishing and what time of the day. The early morning and late evening Streamer bite has been on with more aggressive chasers and eats. During the day BWOs and Midges have been producing some good fish if you can see your Fly and keep it up! Fishing these smaller flies with a Chubby or Ant pattern in front and frequently rotating your smaller Fly can help. Smaller nymphs in tandem and small Stonefly patterns #8-#10 have been productive in the shallower riffles and deeper holes with jig patterns with a split shot can get you that score that you’re after.
This next week with the weather turning, we should see the Fall Streamer fishing start to really pick up. Remember Brown Trout are beginning to spawn; play your fish quickly, if you must snap a picture do so quickly and take off your gloves before handling. We all must take care of our precious resource; little acts of preparedness and consciousness go a long way in keeping our beautiful river and Trout protected for generations to come.
Dries: Delektable Flying Ant Cinnamon & Black #18; BWO Para-Sipper #18-#22; Q’s Loopy Cripple Stacker BWO #18; Hi Vis BWO Spinner #20; Etha-Wing Dun BWO #20-#22; Delektable BWO Teaser or Adams Teaser #18-#20; Delektable BWO Munchkin #18-#20; Parachute Adams Black Post #18-#22; Parachute Adams Sparkle Purple #16-#18; Delektable Lil’ Chubby Cinnamon, UV Rainbow or UV Goldrush #16-#18.
Streamers: Delektable SS Jointed Screamer Olive/White, Black, White, Black/Olive; Delektable Double Screamer Olive/Black, Olive/Black in Gold, Black, Olive, White; Delektable Single Screamer Black, Olive/White, Olive/Black, White or Olive #6; Zonkers Dark Olive, Tan, or Natural #8; Trevor’s Sculpin Olive, Black, or Natural #4; Dali Llama Olive/White #6; Coffey’s Sparkle Minnow Sculpin #6; Flash Fry Olive/Natural #6; Mini Loop Sculpin Olive or Natural #6; Mini Sculpin Black #10; Galloup’s Sex Dungeon Olive, Black/Olive Barred or Tan #6; JR’s Conehead Streamer Olive #6; Fish Wacker Mini White or Olive #6; Sculpzilla White, Olive or Black #4-#8.
Nymphs: Delektable JH Tungsten Spanker PT, Holo Orange, Black, or Silver #16-#18; Pat’s Rubberlegs Black or Black/Brown #8-#10; Delektable Kaboom Stone, Sparkle Kaboom Stone or FB Sparkle Kaboom Stone #8-#10; Jiggy BH Black Zebra Midge #18-#20; Delektable Tungsten BH Big Spanker Warrior #16-#18; Wire Worm Red or Orange/Red #6-#8; JuJu Flashback Baetis #18; Geppert Master Emerger #16-#18; Pheasant Tail Nymph Classic #16-#18; Skinny Nelson #18; Delektable Twinkle Black, Red, or Purple #18-#22; Delektable Ranch BWO #16-#18.