Hey all! The ant has been working for us here on the Madison! That little guy is teasing the fish too much now and they just can’t take it! The water is coming up again slowly and the fish have been kinda weird, but try the ant! It has been real hot still, so they are a little slower in the late morning to afternoon. The pearl lightning bug size 14 is still kickin’ butt along with some other small nymphs like the pheasant tail softie size 16. Today it seemed like everyone around was hooked up and rods were bent. The smoke plumes have been pretty impressive over the
past week, but it is clearing and the cloud cover was still great today, so we had some happy clients. And as you probably know, happy clients mean happy guides
and happy guides therefore means happy wives :). So, smaller hoppers with smaller droppers have been the key to the game lately. A few other small nymphs are the copper john (red), prince, and micro mayflies. This week the ladies really cleaned up! There may or may not have been a little competition going on between them all but, so you guys be the judges. Great job ladies and we cant wait to have you back! That’s all! Enjoy the pictures!! Happy fishing!!!