Spring fishing on the Big Hole can be really good or quite challenging. At the time of this report, ice off was not too far in the past and the fish seemed to be moving slower to the take. Some quality fish were moved today, mostly on Skwalla Nymphs and Streamers. Some Skwallas were spotted, however dry fly action was slow. The Big Hole is a wild freestone river and today it showed just how wild with flows fluctuating in a range of 200 cfs up and down (1,100-800-1,300cfs) from the start to the finish of the day; this also really effects the water temperatures and thus the bugs and the trout. A wise angler once said, “Check your streamflows, check the weather and plan appropriately for the conditions.” When fishing in the Spring in Southwest Montana this is invaluable advice.
Streamers: Delektable Screamer Single/Double/SS Jointed Olive/White, Black/Olive #6; Coffee’s CH Sparkle Minnow #6; Dali Llama Olive/ White #6; JR’s Conehead Streamer Olive #6.
Nymphs: Delektable Hurless Stone Olive FB #8-#10; Delektable Mega Prince STD FB #8-#10; Delektable Mega Prince Olive FB #8-#10; Delektable Lil’ Spanker PT, Silver #18-#20; Pat’s Rubberlegs Olive Brown #8-#10; Wire Worm Orange & Red #6-#8; Worm Flossy Red #10; Delektable Worm Red #12.