The Beartooth Flyfishing Lodge has had yet another Father/son combo out on the river again recently. This is what we are all about here and teaching fly fishing to those who are searching for that peace and tranquility on the river is what we do. The Beartooth is especially fond of father/son combos as Dan Delekta loved fishing with his father all the way up to a few years ago. Travis and John were here with us today and they were just about as excited as any two people on this planet could be. Tim Gaar was their Madison River guide for the day. Tim has been with us for some time now and we considered him to be one of our go-to guys. John is 10 years old and from NC. He has never fly fished before this trip to Montana. The trio floated from Palisades to McAtee bridge. The fly combo they used that roped them in were a Black Pat’s Rubber Legs size 8, and a size 16 Delektable Big Spanker Olive Pheasant Tail.
Father landed 9 fish and John landed 3 to make an even dozen all together for the day! This kind of day is always a special day for us here because we get to see a younger person take on what we all love and embrace it:) thanks Tim for all your hard work! I hope you all get out and get some fishing in before it gets too cold! Happy Fishing Everyone!!! -DanG